Out of Print Books

Please note the following books are out of print, and most are no longer available for purchase from Eternal Perspective Ministries.

Christians in the Wake of the Sexual Revolution

Christians in the Wake of the Sexual Revolution

This book incorporates elements of history, sociology, and psychology, and examines them in light of biblical theology. It is not a book about resisting sexual temptation, but rather a proper foundation for right thinking about sex. Immorality is discussed to expose it for what it is; to condemn, curb, and prevent it, and motivate others to do the same. The Bible speaks clearly and directly about sexual immorality, not to entice us, but to tutor us in the path of righteousness. This is a book that will not always help you feel good, but will hopefully help you be good.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, used copies may be available through www.amazon.com

The Grace and Truth Paradox in Spanish

The Grace and Truth Paradox: Spanish edition 

What should the world see when it looks at us? Christ. But we've come up with hundreds of principles and thousands of rules attempting to be Christlike. It's too complicated to wrap our minds around. And Christ gets buried under lists, rules and formulas.

John 1:14 boils down for us what it means to be Christlike. It means to be full of only two things: Grace and Truth. Instead of a dozen, this gives us just two balls to juggle. It's succinct, a two point checklist of Christlikeness. Everything we do can and should be measured by the test of grace and truth.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, used copies may be available through www.amazon.com 

Is Rescuing Right?

Is Rescuing Right?

Randy Alcorn wrote Is Rescuing Right?, a prolife book, in response to the late 80's and early 90's rescue movement (peaceful nonviolent civil disobedience at abortion clinics). It has been out of print for many years.

However, the book is not simply a biblical study about abortion-related issues, but civil disobedience. While the primary application is to the abortion issue, approximately 80% of the biblical and historical principles apply to any question of civil disobedience. While it is one of Randy's oldest and least read books, it is also one of his best written early books.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, used copies may be available through www.amazon.com 

Restoring Sexual Sanity

Restoring Sexual Sanity: Christians in the Wake of the Sexual Revolution

Practical advice about sex must be built on a proper foundation of right thinking about sex. Wrong thinking is at the root of wrong behavior. We've failed to identify this wrong thinking and its sources-and failed to eliminate or reject them. We've indiscriminately bought the antibiblical sexual propaganda foisted on us by the world, largely through the media. While the beauty of sex as God intended it is emphasized, the ugliness of abusing God's gift of sex is pointed out. The Christian community must take hard stock of itself in an honest effort to shore up its sagging morality.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be availalbe through www.addall.com or www.amazon.com 

Safely Home Spanish Version

Safely Home: Spanish edition

American business executive Ben Fielding has no idea what his brilliant old college roommate is facing in China. After 20 years he expects to pick up where they left off. But when they're reunited in China, the men are shocked at what they discover about each other. The paths they've walked have shaped their lives and loyalties in radically different ways.

Thrown together in an hour of encroaching darkness, watched by unseen eyes, both must make choices that will determine not only the destinies of two men, but two families, two nations...and two worlds.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, used copies may be available through www.amazon.com

Storyteller's Collection Volume 1

The Storyteller's Collection: Tales of Faraway Places

Collecting stories by the foremost names in Christian fiction, editor Carlson, a author of the "Whispering Pines" series, provides a glimpse of the writing styles of Jerry B. Jenkins, Randy Alcorn, Terri Blackstock , and other too numerous to name. The standout is Sharon Ewell Foster's "A Trip to Senegal," about a young black woman whose light skin makes her an object of ridicule until she meets a Senegalese hairdresser who shows her the inner beauty God gave her. Another exceptional story, "Is this the Day I Die?" by Alcorn, portrays China's reign of terror against unregulated churches and one man's discovery of the depth of his faith.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be available through www.amazon.com 

The Storyteller's Collection Volume 2

The Storyteller's Collection Book 2: Tales from Home

A great idea is always worth repeating! In one volume, Christian readers' favorite fiction authors, including Randy Alcorn, Terri Blackstock, Angela Elwell Hunt, Melody Carlson, Nancy Moser, and Karen Kingsbury, offer delightful new short stories about hometown faith and foibles.

This hard-to-put-down book, which features story settings all around North America in a variety of time periods, reminds readers about what values really spell home.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be available through www.amazon.com.

The Treasure Principle Study Guide, Spanish edition

The Treasure Principle Study Guide: Spanish edition

Los participantes de este estudio descubrirán un gozo más precioso que el oro. Un tesoro sin límite está a la mano y con esto viene un gozo liberador. El principio de la riqueza incluye cuatro semanas de estudio bíblico para que las personas completen en cinco estudios diarios cada semana. (4 sesiones)

The Treasure Principle includes four weeks of Bible study for individuals to complete in five daily segments. A leader guide at the back of the book provides plans for a four- or five-session group study.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be available through www.amazon.com.

Lord Foulgrin's Letters Spanish

Lord Foulgrin's Letters: Spanish edition

Usted tiene en sus manos un documento que jamas fue pensado para ojos humanos. Estas cartas secretas contienen las estrategias de combate de agentes del mal que conspiran para engañarles y destruirles a usted y su familia.

As Christians, we are on Satan's hit list. Demons are out to get us. They are devoted to deceiving and destroying us, as a means of lashing back at God, the Creator who evicted them from heaven when they rebelled. This vast army is led by Satan, the dark lord, who wages war against us and the righteous angels who defend us. Imagine what a major coup of military intelligence it would be if we could place a wiretap in Hell's war room. What if we could plant a bugging device where we could overhear our enemies assessing our weaknesses and strategizing how next to attack us? Of course, we would have to weigh and measure their words-after all, they're liars. But if they didn't know we were listening, we could learn a great deal from their insights about us, how the war is going, and which of their strategies are working on us and which aren't. What an opportunity to see what they have up their sleeves!

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be available online.

The Treasure Principle Study Guide

The Treasure Principle Study Guide

Highlighting the infinite value of heavenly treasures over earthly ones, this study will teach you how to collect treasures that will last for all eternity. You will acknowledge God's ownership of all things while accepting your role as His money manager. Six biblical keys will guide you to use your money and possessions to make deposits in heaven. As you get a glimpse of the life-changing joy of giving, you will discover the hidden treasure that awaits those who invest in eternity. And you'll know why you could never be content with less.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, EPM has a limited supply still available for sale at our online store.

The Promise of Heaven

The Promise of Heaven 

The Promise of Heaven combines solid biblical teaching gleaned from Randy Alcorn's best-selling book, Heaven, with the awe-inspiring photography of John MacMurray to create a gift book to be treasured. 

Everyone has questions about life after death. In The Promise of Heaven, Alcorn provides answers based on what God tells us about Heaven in the Bible. 

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, EPM has a limited supply still available for sale at our online store.

Heaven For Kids Spanish

Heaven for Kids: Spanish Edition

In a language kids can understand, Randy Alcorn explores Biblical answers to the questions kids often have about heaven. As in the adult title, Heaven, he addresses the difference between the present Heaven, where we go when we die, and the New Earth, where we will live forever with Jesus after he returns. Intended for kids age 8-12, Heaven for Kids is sure to be an excellent resource for families, especially those in which the parents have read the adult title and wish to pass on that same level of understanding to their children.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be available online.

50 Days Spanish

50 Days of Heaven: Spanish Edition

If you've always thought of Heaven as a realm of disembodied spirits, clouds, and eternal harp strumming, you're in for a wonderful surprise! God has put eternity in our hearts. Now Randy Alcorn brings eternity to light in 50 inspiring and thought-provoking meditations that will forever change the way you think about the spectacular new universe that awaits us! A New Heaven and New Earth where Jesus will be the cosmic center, and joy will be the air we breathe - a universe free from pain and suffering, and filled with unending beauty and adventure. 

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, we do still have a limited number of copies available from our online store, and new and/or used copies may be available online.

Why Prolife? Spanish

Why ProLife? Spanish Edition

Why ProLife? offers factual answers to the central issues of the abortion debate in a concise, non-abrasive way. Infused with grace and compassion, and grounded in medical science and psychological studies, Randy Alcorn presents a solid case for defending both unborn children and their mothers.

Please note: This book is currently out of print. However, new and/or used copies may be available online.